A Quenching and Deformation Dilatometer (TA instruments DIL805A/D/T) operates at the MLZ for performing in-situ neutron diffraction (phase, texture, stress/strain) at STRESS-SPEC and small-angle neutron scattering (nanostructure) at SANS-1. A similar instrument operates at beamline P07 HEMS (DESY) for in-situ x-ray scattering studies. The combination of the scattering and dilatometry measurements yields a unique view on the microstructural evolution under thermomechanical treatment of the studied materials.
In this work, we will show the parameters of the dilatometer and its possibilities to be used for in-situ scattering characterization. Besides we will present some results of different materials, i.e. high entropy alloy (HEA), light weight TiAl alloy and Cu - Ce$_{0.8}$Gd$_{0.2}$O$_{2-\delta}$ (CGO) composites. Our analysis utilizing both dilatometry and in-situ diffraction enables precise evaluation of phase transformations (type and temperature) in AlCrFeNiTi HEA. TiAl alloy study will be focused on the bulk texture evolution induced by hot compression performed with the dilatometer. The aim is to investigate the mechanisms of hot compression and further to optimize the mechanical properties. Last example is the results on Cu-CGO composites for high temperature green energy applications (solid oxide fuel cells, electrolyzers and catalytic membrane reactors). Here we studied the thermal expansion coefficient of the Cu-CGO cermets as a bulk at the same time as we obtain in-situ high temperature microstructural information on both Cu and CGO phases in order to select the best electrode composite from the thermomechanical point of view.