Energy & Advanced Materials
Lithium-ion batteries are the popular choice for power sources in consumer electronics. As they have achieved a tremendous boost in their performance in the last decades, they are being increasingly employed in electrical vehicles and grid-scale energy storage systems as well.
However, there is still room for improvement in terms of life expectancy, safety, cost, energy storage...
The hydrogen storage in light-weight hydrides for mobile applications is an extensively discussed but a rather controversial topic. Is it safe enough? Is it efficient enough? Does the hydrogen energy have future? The questions are numerous and complicated and hardly any of them has a definite answer yet. A complex hydride system 6Mg(NH2)2:9LiH with LiBH4 as a dopant is one of promising...
We present recent findings from neutron diffraction measurements on hyperbranched polymer (HBP) dispersed nanocomposite gratings, revealing the highest scattering length density (SLD) modulation amplitudes to date. Optimized for light diffraction, these materials exhibit ultrahigh refractive index modulation (∼ 3×10^(-2)). The first test for slow neutron diffraction was conducted at the SANS-I...
Additive manufacturing methods such as laser powder bed fusion offer an enormous flexibility in the efficient design of parts. In this process, a laser locally melts feedstock powder to build up a part layer-by-layer. It is this localized processing manner imposing large temperature gradients, resulting in the formation of internal stress and characteristic microstructures. Produced parts...