Condensed Matter
Surface functionalization is needed for synthesizing and controlling the properties of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) in various applications for biomedicine, ferrofluids, or heterogeneous catalysis [1,2]. Yet, experimental investigations of interfacial properties such as the dynamics of ligand and water molecules near the nanoparticle surface have been scarce. Previously, quasielastic...
The physical properties of complex oxides can be tuned via controlling oxygen vacancies thus enabling potential applications. In La0.7Sr0.3MnO(3-δ) (LSMO), the topotactic phase transition from the Perovskite (PV, ABO3) phase to the layered oxygen-vacancy-ordered Brownmillerite (BM, ABO2.5) phase can be triggered by deoxygenation. Here, we employed polished Aluminum foils as oxygen getter...
The gradual ferromagnetic spin reorientation in the hcp phase of cobalt between 230°C and 330°C reported for a Co single crystal [1] suggests that this phase cannot have a hexagonal symmetry [2,3]. This hypothesis is verified positively by synchrotron radiation diffraction and neutron diffraction on powder of cobalt [4]. The hexagonal close packed phase of cobalt (hcp-Co) is associated with...
The barocaloric effect (BCE) is characterized as a thermal response (variation of temperature or entropy) in solid-state materials induced by external hydrostatic pressure and cooling technologies based on the BCE have emerged as a promising alternative to conventional vapor-compression cooling. Recently, spin crossover (SCO) transitions, where the low spin (LS) and high spin (HS) states can...
Mixed valence lead oxide phases obtained at ambient pressure are reported by Byström [1] belonging to either black [2] or red minium [1, 3]. For red minium the composition of Pb3O4 is described without any variance in the number of oxygen atoms [1, 3]. The formula could therefore be written as Pb(II)2Pb(IV)O4, expressing the different oxidation...